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  • 07.2024 - Formes de luxe

    Article “Big Bang Project: bringing life sciences to the heart of design”, transcribing an interview with Guillian GRAVES, conducted by Christel TRINQUIER and published in Formes de luxe magazine.

  • 11.2022 - Intramuros

    Article "Living world: biomimicry, biomaterials", transcribing an interview with Guillian GRAVES, conducted by Nathalie DEGARDIN and published in the collector's issue of Intramuros magazine on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of ENSCI-Les Ateliers.

  • 11.2022 - Ouest France

    Article "Les bateaux du futur sont déjà dans la nature", transcribing an interview with Guillian GRAVES, conducted by Marie LENGLET and published in the newspaper Ouest France on the occasion of the start of the Route du Rhum.

  • 05.2022 - The ANRT newsletter

    Article "Biomimétisme, l'innovation inspirée du vivant", written by Guillian GRAVES, Cléa BAUVAIS, Kalina RASKIN and Laura MAGRO and published in the newsletter of the Association Nationale Recherche et Technologie (ANRT).

  • 10.2020 - The ANRT Newsletter

    Article "Big Bang Project: where life sciences and design meet to create bio-inspired innovations", transcribing an interview with Guillian GRAVES, conducted by Carole MIRANDA and Martine LUX and published in the newsletter of the Association Nationale Recherche et Technologie (ANRT).

  • 09.2020 - Passion Architecture #74 / Circular economy

    Article "Microorganisms for circularity" from the "Circular Economy" dossier, published in issue 74 of Passion Architecture magazine, produced by UNFSA and R-Ædificare.

  • 05.2020 - Mythologies of the future with Guillian GRAVES

    Fiction "Le Plastique, uniques usages", co-written by Guillian GRAVES, Fanny PARISE, Mathieu GRIFFOUL and studio Imprudence, from the series Les mythologies du futur.

  • 11.2019 - Big Ideas / Change Maker Times

    Interview with Guillian GRAVES, published in the Change Maker Times series of interviews conducted by Les grandes idées.

  • 11.2019 - Le Monde / Campus.

    Article "Le biomimétisme se déploie dans l'enseignement supérieur", published in Le Monde.

  • 10.2018 - Design Fax #1081 / Bio-inspiration is gaining ground

    Article "Bio-inspiration is gaining ground", transcribing an interview with Guillian GRAVES, published in issue 1081 of Design Fax.

  • 07.2017 - French Flair #5 / Design for life

    Article "Design for Life", published in issue 5 of French Flair magazine, produced by Business France.

  • 06.2017 - Pèlerin Magazine #7020 / When nature inspires progress

    Article "When nature inspires progress", published in issue 7020 of Pèlerin magazine.

  • 02.2017 - Ionis Mag #34 / Where does French biomimicry stand?

    Article "Where does French biomimicry stand?", published in issue 34 of Ionis Mag.

  • 09.2016 - Kaizen #28 / Nature, a clean industry

    Article "Nature, a clean industry", published in issue 28 of Kaizen magazine.

  • 05.2016 - The POC21 Innovation Camp Report

    The POC21 Innovation Camp Report, published by OpenState and OuiShare.

  • 01.2016 - Good Magazine / Relaunch issue

    Article "The future of design", published in the "Relaunch issue" of Good Magazine.

  • 01.2016 - Up Magazine / Boullimics

    Article "Boullimics: when bio-designers hack nature", published in Up Magazine.

  • 12.2015 - Viewpoint Magazine #36 / Conscious living

    Article "Conscious living", published in Viewpoint Magazine #36 and edited by Franklin Till Publishing.

  • 12.2015 - Le Parisien / Le coup de cœur

    Article "Le coup de cœur : Nautile, the new generation kettle", published in the newspaper Le Parisien.

  • 11.2015 - World In Progress

    Article "Innovation and products for tomorrow", published in the magazine World in Progress.

  • 10.2015 - Le Monde / Climate: the emergency

    Article "Citizens' initiatives", published in the special issue "Climate: the emergency" of the newspaper Le Monde.

  • 10.2015 - Wired Magazine / The green issue

    Article "Land partie", published in the issue entitled "The green issue" of Wired Magazine.

  • 10.2015 - J. Walter Thompson Intelligence / New natural

    Article "New Natural, The next generation of conscious consumerism", published in the J. Walter Thompson Intelligence watch.

  • 09.2015 - Taz Magazine / Reallabor

    Article "Reallabor", published in Taz Magazine.

  • 07.2015 - Stuff Magazine #158 / The next big thing

    Article "The next big thing", published in Stuff Magazine #158.

  • 07.2015 - Protein Magazine / The age issue

    Article "Feed", published in "The age issue" of Protein Magazine.

  • 07.2015 - Terra Eco / My kettle is a mollusc

    Article "My kettle is a mollusc", published in the Terra Eco special issue.

  • 06.2015 - Usbek & Rica #12 / Objects of the future

    Article "Objects of the future", published in issue 12 of Usbek & Rica magazine.

  • 06.2015 - Wired Uk / How to grow plasters from your household compost

    Article "How to grow plasters from your household compost", published in Wired UK magazine.

  • 03.2015 - Holocene Gallery / Nautile: the 'nature made' kettle

    Article "Nautile, the 'nature made' kettle" transcribing an interview with Guillian GRAVES, published on Holocene Gallery.

  • 10.2014 - Terra Eco / Guillian GRAVES: biomimicry designer

    Article "Guillian Graves: designer in biomimicry", published in the Terra Eco magazine Special Issue.

  • 06.2014 - TDC Magazine #1078 / Design & life sciences

    Article "Design and life sciences", published in issue 1078 of TDC Magazine.

  • 04.2014 - Télérama / The new age of plastic

    Article "Le nouvel âge du plastique", published in issue 3353 of Télérama.

  • 05.2011 - Libération Next #35 / Digital objects

    Article "Objets numériques, avez-vous donc une âme industrielle?", published in issue 35 of Libération Next magazine.

  • 09.2010 - Frame Magazine #76 / Solar systems

    Article "Solar systems", published in issue 76 of Frame Magazine.

  • 01.2010 - TL Magazine #5 / Recycling light

    Article "Recycling light, eco-responsible design", published in issue 5 of TL Magazine.

  • 12.2009 - Panorama Design 2009 / 2010: a guide to design in Europe

    Article "Ensci-les ateliers", published in the Panorama Design 2009 / 2010 guide and edited by Archibooks.

  • 07.2009 - Maison Française / 100% design

    Article "100% design: the objects of tomorrow", published in Maison Française magazine.


  • 09.2023 - When design accompanies forks in the road

    Chapter "Débattre sur les bifurcations", published in the book Quand le design accompagne les bifurcations, edited by the Cité du design.

  • 05.2021 - Design Designer(s)

    Guillian GRAVES" chapter, published in the book Designer(s) du Design, written by Jean-Louis FRÉCHIN and published by Fyp Éditions.

  • 03.2020 - 75 designers for a sustainable world

    Chapter "Cap sur le vivant", pages "Guillian GRAVES", published in the book 75 designers pour un monde durable, written by Geneviève GALLOT, prefaced by Cynthia FLEURY and published by Éditions de La Martinière.

  • 10.2019 - Biomim'Book

    Chapter "Big Bang Project", published in the Biomim'Book, a guide to actors and stakeholders in biomimicry and bio-inspiration, published by NewCorp Conseil.

  • 06.2019 - Design : escales bretonnes

    Guillian GRAVES" chapter, published in the catalogue of the exhibition Design: escales bretonnes, published by Locus Solus.

  • 02.2019 - Mutation / Creation: The Living Factory

    Chapter "Growduce", published in the exhibition catalogue Mutation / Création : La fabrique du vivant, published by Éditions du Centre Pompidou.

  • 11.2018 - Biomimicry: there is genius in nature

    Chapter "Une bouilloire naturelle", published in the book Biomimétisme : il y a du génie dans la nature, written by Jean-Philippe Camborde and published by Éditions Quae.

  • 04.2018 - Radical Matters: Rethinking materials for a sustainable future

    Chapter "Growduce", published in the book Radical Matters, written by Kate FRANKLIN and Caroline TILL and published by Thames & Hudson.

  • 01.2014 - Les Ruptures Fertiles: Design and disruptive innovation

    Guillian GRAVES' chapter in the book Les Ruptures Fertiles, written by Nicolas HENCHOZ and published by Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes.

  • 07.2009 - Sunny Memories: towards a new solar design.

    Chapter "Horn", published in the Sunny Memories exhibition catalogue, published by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Documentaries & reports

  • 03.2022 - Sqool TV / The school of the future

    Une idée derrière la tech" presented by Jeanne Dreyfus Daboussy, filmed as part of the programme "L'école du futur", broadcast on Sqool TV.

  • 09.2021 - What is design for ft Guillian GRAVES

    Episode "Guillian GRAVES", from the web series À quoi sert le design, conceived by Annie GENTÈS and produced by the Réseau Canopé team of the French Ministry of Education. The episode is available here.

  • 07.2021 - Seriously Artistic ft Guillian GRAVES

    Episode "Guillian GRAVES", produced by La Belle Société Production and part of the Seriously Artistic series produced by the Institut Français en Inde (IFI) and broadcast for the Forum Génération Égalité and the Year of the Environment France-India 2021. The episode is available here.

  • 07.2021 - France 3 / Nature inspires us

    Special programme "Nature inspires us", filmed at the Chaumont-sur-Loire estate and broadcast during the Chaumont-sur-Loire International Garden Festival on France 3 Centre.

  • 03.2021 - Questions de pratiques / Biomimicry, the challenge of life?

    Episode "Guillian GRAVES / Biomimicry, the challenge of life", from the series Questions de pratiques, produced by Andréane VALOT and broadcast on social networks.

  • 10.2020 - TF1 / TV News

    Report "Innovation: when nature inspires man", broadcast on TF1's 8 o'clock news programme.

  • 04.2020 - Nature = Future! Season 2

    Documentary "Life, Earth and Space", from the second season of the Nature = Future! documentary series, produced by La Belle Société Production in collaboration with the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Ceebios, the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, etc.

  • 01.2020 - Xerfi Canal / Open windows on management

    Interview with Guillian GRAVES and Geneviève SENGISSEN on the set of the IQSOG programme Fenêtres ouvertes sur la gestion, hosted by Jean-Philippe DENIS and broadcast on Xerfi Canal.

  • 02.2017 - Planète + / The waste of the future

    Documentary "The Waste of the Future", produced and broadcast by Planète +.

  • 02.2017 - TF1 / TV News

    Report "Sciences et Design à l'Ensci-les Ateliers", broadcast on TF1's 8 o'clock News.

  • 02.2016 - Nature = Future! Season 1

    Documentary "A Natural Kettle", from the first season of the Nature = Future! documentary series, produced by La Belle Société Production in collaboration with the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Inserm, Ceebios, Biomimicry Europa, the Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité, the Fondation Unit, Planète Sciences, Canal U and Campus Santé TV.

  • 12.2015 - Planète + / Objective 2050

    Episode 5 of the documentary series "Objectif 2050", produced and broadcast by Planète +.

  • 12.2015 - Proof of Concept: 100 geeks, 5 weeks

    Documentary "Proof of Concept: 100 geeks, 5 weeks, 1 future", broadcast at the Babylon cinema.

  • 09.2015 - BFM Tv / The sustainable innovation camp

    Report "Le Camps de l'Innovation Durable en Open Source", broadcast on BFM Tv.

  • 06.2015 - Weo Tv / Ideas that Change the World

    Interview with Guillian GRAVES and Michka MÉLO on the set of the programme Les Idées qui Changent le Monde, broadcast on WEO Tv.

  • 02.2015 - TED Network / Seeds of Change

    TEDx conference by Guillian GRAVES and Michka MÉLO, given at the TED event "Seeds of Change", broadcast on the international TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) network.

  • 10.2014 - Du Côté de chez Vous ft Guillian GRAVES and Chloé LEQUETTE

    Interview with Guillian GRAVES and Chloé LEQUETTE in the feature "Biomaterials: living design", broadcast on Du côté de chez vous.

Radio & podcasts

  • 11.2023 - Association for Sustainable Design / "Amour Vivant" podcast

    Interview with Guillian GRAVES for the "Design for the Living" episode of the "Amour Vivant" podcast.

  • 10.2023 - D.School - École des Ponts ParisTech / "Innovation in practice" podcast

    Interview with Guillian GRAVES for episode #1 "Bio-inspiration as a vector for sustainable innovation and education" of season 4 of the "Innovation in practice" podcast.

  • 02.2017 - Radio Campus Dijon / Coffee, Croissant, Environment

    Interview with Guillian GRAVES during the monthly morning show "Café, Croissant, Environnement", produced by Alterre BFC and Radio Campus Dijon.

  • 04.2015 - Les Rencontres du Design de la Transition

    Interview with Guillian GRAVES and Michka MÉLO conducted by Sylvia FREDRIKSSON at the Rencontres du Design de la Transition, broadcast on Soundcloud.